Wednesday, April 29, 2009

An Irrational Truth

Birthday Conflict

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The most popular imaginary friend

Where should we hide these?

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Best Twitter Replies - April 27

We have been getting some great feedback on Twitter and knew most of you couldn't see it. Here are a few of our favorites.

Heavenshoax: Is it just me or does a stranger offering a kid candy seem strangely similar to Santa Claus offering kids presents to "join the faith?"

Twitter Responses to this Question:
  • Synthaetica @HeavensHoax it's not just you.
  • Azbats @HeavensHoax A Knight of Columbus by any chance? This reminded me of an incident a week or so ago and had to remind my kid about strangers.
  • Pink_Kahuna @HeavensHoax haha, never thought of it like that! Strangers have the best candy!
  • whipcreamy @HeavensHoax Santa Claus believes in god?
  • Heavenshoax: I don't know how to answer please. RT @whipcreamy:
  • @HeavensHoax Santa Claus believes in god?
  • religionbites @HeavensHoax That is scary as hell. Ugh.
  • GrahamJoy @HeavensHoax two fictitious characters believing in one another, what's wrong with that eh?
  • asheernut @HeavensHoax Santa Claus believes in god? - Yep, the way Harry Potter believes in Dumbledore!
  • mel0d @HeavensHoax I thought he taught the spirit of giving, generosity, good will. No involv w/god. That's why many churches frown on him.
Other Responses to HeavensHoax

Abbie2020 Another atheist follower, @HeavensHoax (is 'atheist follower' an oxymoron?)

Pink_Kahuna @HeavensHoax id love to see every religious person refuse medicine ....

GrahamJoy @HeavensHoax it's appalling how rational thinking combined with scientific fact just doesn't do it these folk and on such a large scale

LesChambers @HeavensHoax "The problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so sure of themselves." Bertrand Russell.

Kadath123 @HeavensHoax Fortunately just because a majority believes something it doesnt make it truth or fact, no matter how much they want it to.

Thanks for the feedback....

God's power in a Museum

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Staggering Statistics

  • 28% of Americans believe that every word of the Bible is literally true. 49% believe that it is the “inspired word” of God.
  • Only 28% of Americans believe in evolution (and two-thirds of these believe evolution was “guided by God”). 53% are actually creationists.
  • 87% of Americans say they “never doubt the existence of God.”
  • 80% of Americans expect to be called before God on Judgment Day to answer for their sins. 90% believe in heaven. 77% rate their chances of going to heaven as “excellent” or “good.”
  • 65% of Americans believe in the literal existence of Satan. 73% believe in Hell.

Statistics cited come from PEW, Gallup, and Newsweek.

The Education System

Religion v. Science