Monday, May 4, 2009

Life on Earth is the Test?

I often ask the question: If the afterlife is so much better, why not kill yourself?

The answer often is something like: God put us here as a test and/or to spread the word.

Apparently this world is as miserable as a Chemistry test. This would lead you to believe that every person who feels this way is actually miserable considering I have never met a person who enjoys tests. Since we all normally can't wait for tests to be over, this sounds like a miserable life.

Or it is another bad explanation for another illogical explanation of their faith.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Couldn't agree more. The contradictions are endless. They walk around saying, "thank god for the beautiful day." I thought this was a test?

  3. It is just another lame excuse for life. Religious people seem to need "something else" in their lives. They say "Thank the Lord" when something good happens instead of giving credit to themselves, and they say, "Why is God angry with me?" when something bad happens, instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. They need a "reason" to be here. They need to know that "Heaven" is real so they have something to look forward to. It kills them to think that we are all going to end up as worm food someday.

    Religious people always have some ridiculous excuse for everything. And that's all it is, an excuse.

  4. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on ones perspective, faith doesn't require logic.

    As an atheist I think it's great if people choose to try to better themselves in this life. If it's faith that motivates them, then so be it.

    My mother believes that life isn't a test, but rather more of a school, where we learn how to better ourselves. She also believes that learning doesn't end at death.

    I don't believe that, but I have no problem with it. She's about as far from a fundy as one could get.

  5. Yeah, you are correct and there's no logic to that. Beyond the circular, faulty logic, I mean. There are people who take responsibility for their own lives and don't need to find a puppet master to blame, praise or worship. The answer you will be given by a believer is "you cannot know the mind of god". That isn't anymore an answer than your mother telling you, "Because I said so!"

  6. People say life is a game. What if it is less like a strategy game and more like a puzzle. What if the way to win is to get out. What if suicide IS the answer?

  7. Science flew us to the Moon.
    Religion flew us into the Twin Towers.

  8. I don't understand people who life their life constantly thinking and longing for what they would rather and/or cannot have than to accept (or even notice) the world that is around them. It is in my opinion a very sad way to view life.

    Life is just life. Beautiful and frightening at the same time. It's full of wonders and mysteries as it is, so why make up crap about it?

    Enjoy :)

  9. Religion is a way to cope with the fear of death for many people. It's almost as if they keep beleiving this stuff to reassure themselves that death is a positive experience but there must be uncetainty there if (as you say) they are not willing to just kill themselves.
    Of course, many religions play on the fact that it is only their god who can choose when your time is up and that it is a sin to take your own life.

  10. Intersting...
